Why does pnpm inconsistently display the list of deprecated subdependencies on install?
Image by Petula - hkhazo.biz.id

Why does pnpm inconsistently display the list of deprecated subdependencies on install?

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If you’re a developer, you’ve likely encountered the frustration of pnpm inconsistently displaying the list of deprecated subdependencies on install. You’re not alone! This issue has been a thorn in the side of many developers, leaving them wondering why pnpm can’t just provide a clear and consistent display of deprecated subdependencies.

What is pnpm?

Before we dive into the issue at hand, let’s take a step back and discuss what pnpm is. pnpm, or performance npm, is a package manager for JavaScript that aims to be faster and more efficient than its predecessor, npm. pnpm uses a unique approach to package management, utilizing a content-addressable file system and a lockfile to ensure consistent and reproducible installs.

The Problem: Inconsistent Display of Deprecated Subdependencies

So, why does pnpm inconsistently display the list of deprecated subdependencies on install? This issue can be attributed to a few factors, including:

  • pnpm uses a cache to store previously installed packages. This cache can lead to inconsistencies in the display of deprecated subdependencies, especially if the cache is outdated or corrupted.
  • The pnpm algorithm for detecting deprecated subdependencies can be affected by various factors, such as network connectivity and package versions.
  • In some cases, the pnpm lockfile may not accurately reflect the state of the project’s dependencies, leading to inconsistencies in the display of deprecated subdependencies.

Troubleshooting the Issue

So, how can you troubleshoot this issue and ensure that pnpm consistently displays the list of deprecated subdependencies on install? Follow these steps:

  1. pnpm cache clean: Run this command to clear the pnpm cache. This can help resolve issues related to outdated or corrupted cache data.
  2. pnpm install --force: Force pnpm to reinstall all dependencies, including subdependencies. This can help ensure that the lockfile accurately reflects the state of the project’s dependencies.
  3. pnpm ls --depth -1 --json: Run this command to generate a JSON output of the project’s dependencies, including subdependencies. This can help you identify deprecated subdependencies and take corrective action.
  4. Verify the package versions: Ensure that all packages, including subdependencies, are up-to-date and compatible with each other.

Best Practices to Avoid the Issue

To avoid the issue of pnpm inconsistently displaying the list of deprecated subdependencies on install, follow these best practices:

  • Regularly clean the pnpm cache using pnpm cache clean.
  • Use pnpm install --force periodically to ensure the lockfile accurately reflects the state of the project’s dependencies.
  • Keep package versions up-to-date and compatible with each other.
  • Use a reliable and fast network connection to ensure consistent package downloads.
  • Use pnpm ls --depth -1 --json to monitor the project’s dependencies and identify deprecated subdependencies.

pnpm Configuration Options

Did you know that pnpm provides several configuration options to customize its behavior? Here are a few options that can help you troubleshoot and avoid the issue of inconsistent display of deprecated subdependencies:

Configuration Option Description
cache-min-ttl Set the minimum time to live (TTL) for cache entries.
cache-max-ttl Set the maximum TTL for cache entries.
network-concurrency Set the maximum number of concurrent network requests.
fetch-retries Set the maximum number of retries for failed network requests.
force Force pnpm to reinstall all dependencies, including subdependencies.


In conclusion, the issue of pnpm inconsistently displaying the list of deprecated subdependencies on install can be attributed to various factors, including cache issues, algorithmic complexities, and lockfile inconsistencies. By following the troubleshooting steps and best practices outlined in this article, you can ensure that pnpm consistently displays the list of deprecated subdependencies on install. Remember to regularly clean the pnpm cache, keep package versions up-to-date, and use reliable network connections to avoid this issue. Happy coding!

        $ pnpm install
        $ pnpm cache clean
        $ pnpm install --force
        $ pnpm ls --depth -1 --json

By following these commands and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the issue of pnpm inconsistently displaying the list of deprecated subdependencies on install. Remember to stay vigilant and troubleshoot any issues that may arise to ensure smooth and efficient package management.

Stay tuned for more articles on pnpm and JavaScript development!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on why pnpm behaves strangely when it comes to displaying deprecated subdependencies during installation.

Why does pnpm sometimes show deprecated subdependencies and sometimes not?

pnpm’s behavior might seem inconsistent, but it’s actually a result of how it resolves dependencies. pnpm caches dependency metadata, which can lead to outdated information. When you install a package, pnpm checks the cache first, and if the metadata is outdated, it won’t show deprecated subdependencies. However, if the metadata is up-to-date, it will display the deprecated subdependencies. To avoid this issue, try running `pnpm install` with the `–freeze-lockfile` flag to ensure you’re working with the latest metadata.

Is there a way to force pnpm to always display deprecated subdependencies?

Yes, you can! By setting the `pnpm.deprecated` config option to `true`, pnpm will always display deprecated subdependencies during installation. You can do this by adding `”deprecated”: true` to your `~/.pnpm/config.js` file or by running `pnpm config set deprecated true`.

What’s the difference between deprecated and abandoned dependencies?

While both deprecated and abandoned dependencies are problematic, there’s a key difference. Deprecated dependencies are still maintained but are no longer recommended for use. Abandoned dependencies, on the other hand, are no longer maintained and might pose security risks. pnpm treats both types of dependencies differently, displaying warnings and errors accordingly.

How can I identify deprecated subdependencies in my project?

One easy way to identify deprecated subdependencies is to run `pnpm outdated –long` in your project’s root directory. This command will list all outdated dependencies, including deprecated and abandoned ones. You can also use tools like `pnpm audit` or `pnpm doctor` to get a more comprehensive report on your project’s dependencies.

What’s the best practice for handling deprecated subdependencies?

Whenever possible, update your dependencies to the latest versions or find alternative packages that are actively maintained. If that’s not feasible, consider adding deprecation warnings or errors to your project’s code to remind yourself and collaborators to address the issue. Regularly running `pnpm outdated` and `pnpm audit` can also help you stay on top of dependency issues.

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