Mastering Flatpickr: Allowing Users to Select Ranges with Disabled Days
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Mastering Flatpickr: Allowing Users to Select Ranges with Disabled Days

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Flatpickr, the popular JavaScript library for creating calendars, has become an essential tool for developers who want to provide users with a seamless date-picking experience. One of the most powerful features of Flatpickr is its ability to allow users to select ranges of dates, but what if you want to restrict this selection to specific days of the week or month? In this article, we’ll explore how to enable users to select ranges which have disabled days using Flatpickr.

Understanding Flatpickr’s Default Behavior

By default, Flatpickr allows users to select any range of dates within the calendar. This is useful for most applications, but what if you want to restrict the selection to specific days, such as weekdays or weekend days? This is where Flatpickr’s `disabled` property comes into play.

The `disabled` Property

The `disabled` property is a powerful feature in Flatpickr that allows you to specify which days should be disabled or restricted from selection. By default, all days are enabled, but you can override this behavior by providing a function that returns a boolean value indicating whether a day should be disabled or not.

const fp = flatpickr("input[type=datetime]", {
  disabled: function(date) {
    // Disable Sundays
    return date.getDay() === 0;

In the above example, we’re disabling Sundays by checking if the day of the week is equal to 0 (Sunday). You can modify this function to disable specific days, such as holidays or weekends, by changing the logic inside the function.

Enabling Range Selection with Disabled Days

Now that we’ve covered how to disable specific days using the `disabled` property, let’s explore how to enable range selection with disabled days. By default, Flatpickr doesn’t allow users to select ranges that include disabled days. However, we can override this behavior by using the `mode` property and setting it to `’range’`.

const fp = flatpickr("input[type=datetime]", {
  mode: 'range',
  disabled: function(date) {
    // Disable Sundays
    return date.getDay() === 0;

In this example, we’re enabling range selection by setting the `mode` property to `’range’`. We’re also disabling Sundays using the `disabled` property. When the user tries to select a range that includes a Sunday, Flatpickr will automatically adjust the selection to exclude the disabled day.

Customizing Range Selection Behavior

By default, Flatpickr adjusts the range selection to exclude disabled days by moving the selection to the nearest enabled day. However, you can customize this behavior by using the `onReady` event and modifying the selection manually.

const fp = flatpickr("input[type=datetime]", {
  mode: 'range',
  disabled: function(date) {
    // Disable Sundays
    return date.getDay() === 0;
  onReady: function(selectedDates, dateStr, instance) {
    // Get the selected range
    const range = instance.selectedDates;
    // Check if the range includes a disabled day
    if (range.some(date => date.getDay() === 0)) {
      // Adjust the selection manually
      instance.setDate(range[0], range[1] - 1);

In this example, we’re using the `onReady` event to check if the selected range includes a Sunday. If it does, we adjust the selection manually by setting the end date to the previous day.

Common Scenarios and Solutions

In this section, we’ll explore some common scenarios and solutions when working with range selection and disabled days in Flatpickr.

Scenario 1: Disabling Weekends

Let’s say you want to disable weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) from the selection. You can achieve this by modifying the `disabled` property as follows:

const fp = flatpickr("input[type=datetime]", {
  mode: 'range',
  disabled: function(date) {
    // Disable weekends
    return date.getDay() === 0 || date.getDay() === 6;

In this example, we’re disabling both Sundays (0) and Saturdays (6) using the `disabled` property.

Scenario 2: Disabling Specific Dates

What if you want to disable specific dates, such as holidays or special events? You can achieve this by modifying the `disabled` property as follows:

const fp = flatpickr("input[type=datetime]", {
  mode: 'range',
  disabled: function(date) {
    // Disable specific dates
    const disabledDates = [new Date('2023-12-25'), new Date('2023-01-01')];
    return disabledDates.some(d => d.getTime() === date.getTime());

In this example, we’re disabling specific dates (Christmas Day and New Year’s Day) using the `disabled` property.

Scenario 3: Disabling Days of the Month

What if you want to disable specific days of the month, such as the 15th and 30th of every month? You can achieve this by modifying the `disabled` property as follows:

const fp = flatpickr("input[type=datetime]", {
  mode: 'range',
  disabled: function(date) {
    // Disable specific days of the month
    return [15, 30].includes(date.getDate());

In this example, we’re disabling the 15th and 30th of every month using the `disabled` property.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

In this section, we’ll cover some common issues you may encounter when working with range selection and disabled days in Flatpickr.

Issue 1: Disabled Days Not Being Excluded from Selection

If you’re experiencing issues with disabled days not being excluded from the selection, make sure you’ve set the `mode` property to `’range’` and the `disabled` property is defined correctly.

Issue 2: Range Selection Not Working as Expected

If you’re experiencing issues with the range selection not working as expected, make sure you’ve defined the `onReady` event correctly and adjusted the selection manually if necessary.


In this article, we’ve explored how to allow users to select ranges which have disabled days using Flatpickr. We’ve covered the `disabled` property, customizing range selection behavior, and common scenarios and solutions. By following these instructions and examples, you should be able to create a seamless date-picking experience for your users.

Property Description
`mode` Defines the selection mode (range, single, or multiple)
`disabled` Specifies which days should be disabled or restricted from selection
`onReady` Event triggered when the calendar is ready, used for customizing range selection behavior

By mastering Flatpickr’s range selection feature and disabled days, you can create a more intuitive and user-friendly date-picking experience for your users.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, allowing users to select ranges which have disabled days using Flatpickr is a powerful feature that can enhance the user experience. By following the instructions and examples in this article, you should be able to create a seamless date-picking experience for your users. Remember to customize the range selection behavior using the `onReady` event and adjust the selection manually if necessary. Happy coding!

Here is the HTML code with 5 Questions and Answers about “Allowed to select ranges which have disabled days Flatpickr”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your questions about selecting ranges with disabled days in Flatpickr.

How do I allow users to select a range of dates that includes disabled days in Flatpickr?

To achieve this, you can set the `allowInvalidPreload` option to `true` when initializing Flatpickr. This will enable users to select a range of dates that includes disabled days.

Will the selected range be invalid if it includes disabled days in Flatpickr?

No, the selected range will not be invalid even if it includes disabled days. However, the `onChange` callback will be triggered with an array of invalid dates, which you can then handle according to your application’s requirements.

Can I programmatically set a range that includes disabled days in Flatpickr?

Yes, you can use the `setDate` method to programmatically set a range that includes disabled days. Just pass an array of dates, including the disabled ones, and Flatpickr will update the input field accordingly.

Will the `onValidate` callback be triggered when a range with disabled days is selected in Flatpickr?

No, the `onValidate` callback will not be triggered when a range with disabled days is selected. However, the `onChange` callback will be triggered, and you can use this callback to validate the selected range according to your application’s requirements.

Can I customize the appearance of disabled days in Flatpickr when allowing users to select ranges that include them?

Yes, you can customize the appearance of disabled days using the `disable` option and specifying a custom class for disabled days. You can then use CSS to style the disabled days according to your application’s design.

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