Visual Studio Debugger’s Sneaky Move: Reintroducing Install Dir Files that PostBuildEvent Deleted
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Visual Studio Debugger’s Sneaky Move: Reintroducing Install Dir Files that PostBuildEvent Deleted

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Are you tired of Visual Studio Debugger playing hide and seek with your install directory files? You’re not alone! Many developers have fallen victim to this sneaky move, where the Debugger reintroduces files that were deliberately deleted by the PostBuildEvent. In this article, we’ll delve into the mysteries of this pesky phenomenon and provide you with clear instructions to regain control over your install directory.

The Problem: A Brief Introduction

Imagine this scenario: you’ve carefully crafted a PostBuildEvent script to delete unnecessary files from your install directory. You’ve tested it, and it works like a charm. But, when you run your application under the Visual Studio Debugger, those deleted files magically reappear! It’s as if the Debugger is trying to outsmart you.

<Target Name="PostBuildEvent">
    <Exec Command="del /q "$(TargetDir)MyUnwantedFile.dll"></Exec>

In this example, the PostBuildEvent is supposed to delete the “MyUnwantedFile.dll” from the target directory. But, when you run the application under the Debugger, the file reappears, leaving you wondering what went wrong.

The Culprit: Visual Studio Debugger’s Cache

The Visual Studio Debugger uses a cache to store information about your project, including the install directory files. This cache is used to improve performance and provide a better debugging experience. However, in this case, it’s the root cause of our problem.

When the Debugger runs your application, it checks the cache for existing install directory files. If it finds any, it will restore them, even if they were deleted by the PostBuildEvent. This means that the Debugger is essentially overriding your efforts to remove unwanted files.

Solution 1: Disable the Debugger’s Cache

One way to tackle this issue is to disable the Debugger’s cache altogether. You can do this by setting the `` property in your `.csproj` file.

<Project ...>

This solution is straightforward, but it comes with a trade-off: disabling the cache might affect the performance and functionality of the Debugger.

Solution 2: Use the `DebuggerNonUserCode` Attribute

Another approach is to use the `DebuggerNonUserCode` attribute to mark the files that should be ignored by the Debugger. This attribute tells the Debugger to skip over the specified files, allowing your PostBuildEvent script to delete them as intended.

[assembly: DebuggerNonUserCode]
public class MyUnwantedClass
    // This class will be ignored by the Debugger

In this example, the `DebuggerNonUserCode` attribute is applied to the `MyUnwantedClass` assembly. The Debugger will ignore this assembly, and your PostBuildEvent script will be able to delete the corresponding files.

Solution 3: Use a Custom PostBuildEvent Script

A more elegant solution is to create a custom PostBuildEvent script that takes into account the Debugger’s cache. You can use a script like this:

<Target Name="PostBuildEvent">
    <Exec Command="del /q "$(TargetDir)MyUnwantedFile.dll"></Exec>
    <Exec Command="del /q "$(TargetDir)..\..\_dbg\MyUnwantedFile.dll"></Exec>

In this script, we’re deleting the unwanted file from both the target directory and the Debugger’s cache directory (`_dbg`). This ensures that the file is removed regardless of whether the Debugger is running or not.


In this article, we’ve explored the mysteries of the Visual Studio Debugger’s cache and how it can interfere with your PostBuildEvent scripts. We’ve provided three solutions to help you regain control over your install directory files:

  • Disabling the Debugger’s cache
  • Using the `DebuggerNonUserCode` attribute
  • Creating a custom PostBuildEvent script

By following these instructions, you’ll be able to delete unwanted files from your install directory and ensure that your application runs as intended, even under the Visual Studio Debugger.


Q: Why does the Visual Studio Debugger reintroduce deleted files?

A: The Debugger uses a cache to store information about your project, including install directory files. This cache can override the actions of your PostBuildEvent script.

Q: Can I disable the Debugger’s cache for specific files only?

A: Yes, you can use the `DebuggerNonUserCode` attribute to mark specific files or assemblies as non-debuggable.

Q: Will disabling the Debugger’s cache affect the performance of my application?

A: Disabling the cache might affect the performance and functionality of the Debugger. It’s recommended to use this solution only if necessary.

Solution Pros Cons
Disable Debugger’s Cache Easy to implement Might affect Debugger performance
Use `DebuggerNonUserCode` Attribute Targets specific files or assemblies Requires code changes
Custom PostBuildEvent Script Flexible and customizable Requires scripting knowledge

We hope this article has helped you understand the Visual Studio Debugger’s behavior and provided you with the necessary solutions to overcome this common issue. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on Visual Studio Debugger and PostBuildEvent deleted files!

Why does Visual Studio Debugger reinstall files deleted by PostBuildEvent?

Visual Studio Debugger has a pesky habit of reinstaling files deleted by PostBuildEvent because it uses a mechanism called “File Tracking” to keep track of files in the project directory. This means that even if you delete files using PostBuildEvent, the debugger still thinks they exist and tries to restore them.

Is there a way to stop Visual Studio Debugger from reinstalling deleted files?

Yes, you can! One workaround is to delete the files using the `rmdir` command with the `/s` and `/q` options, which forces the deletion of the files and suppresses the confirmation prompt. This should prevent the debugger from reinstalling the deleted files.

What is the purpose of PostBuildEvent in Visual Studio?

PostBuildEvent is a feature in Visual Studio that allows you to execute a set of commands after a successful build. It’s commonly used for tasks like copying files, deleting unnecessary files, or running scripts. In this case, it’s being used to delete files, but the debugger is interfering with that process!

Can I use a different method to delete files instead of PostBuildEvent?

Yes, you can! Instead of using PostBuildEvent, you can try using a build task like the `Delete` task in MSBuild to delete files. This might help avoid the issue with the debugger reinstalling the deleted files.

Is this issue specific to Visual Studio Debugger or is it a common problem?

This issue is specific to Visual Studio Debugger, but it’s not uncommon for developers to encounter issues with file management and debugging in Visual Studio. It’s always a good idea to keep an eye on your project settings and debug configurations to avoid unexpected behavior!

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